Today on the podcast I speak with my good friend & former student Tara D’Cruz Noble. Tara and I first met in 2018 when she enrolled in my 200 HR YTT. Since then Tara has gone on to become a friend & collaborator, and member of The Teachers Club. If you’ve seen the gorgeous group shots of humans on my Instagram and website, chances are you’re looking at one of Tara’s photos. 

Tara’s work explores the intersection of art, yoga & photography and we have an intimate conversation around the visual nature of being a yoga teacher since Instagram came around + Tara’s quest for capturing the light & the shadow in her imagery. 


Tara’s background and 2019 world wide trip with her familyIntegrating the practice of Satya with photographyQuestioning the use of photoshop / filters in yoga photographyCreating better representation in yoga photographyTips for feeling comfortable while getting your photos taken


Tara’s websiteIdlers Hill - Tara’s Retreat House


Cora’s InstagramCora’s Website

For links & resources mentioned in this episode go to

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