This episode marks the first of an informal 3-part series, and this edition opens with the notion that it's September, it's back-to-school by now for all regions of the U.S., and that there's a piece of advice from Dr. Shaw that can be very helpful.  Her tip is to be organized. While that sounds simple, we all know that parenting in general and getting children out the door and off to school specifically can be challenging.  Here, Dr. Shaw discusses the how's and why's of being organized with your children... and actually, she talks about teaching the children to be organized on their own.  It's a brief but fascinating discussion, especially since Dr. Shaw admits that she used to feel that being organized was repressive but she learned how liberating it really is.  She also outlines some of the valuable life-lessons that exist for children who are in charge of their own organization... plus it's a major time saver.  Dive in and learn how to get your children organized, and a number of daily family activities will be so much smoother and the children will actually feel more accomplished and independent.