I have been inspired by Don Masse’s blog for years and loved getting to talk with him and pick his brain! He shared some great tips and inspiration for artists and teachers, including exciting ways of using digital tools for art-making with students. We talked about balancing art and teaching and family and all the things - or struggling with that balance. I loved his method of teaching collage as a playful, experimental art form by offering glue only at the end of class. He spoke about seeking and sharing contemporary artists, local artists, and artists that act as windows and mirrors for his students to make art relevant.

I loved hearing about how he has made work with his own kids through a back and forth collaborative process. It’s always inspiring for me to talk with other teaching artist parents and hear about how they balance it all and bring art into every aspect of life.

Don Masse is an influential art teacher who has been active in the field for over 20 years. He teaches in San Diego at Zamorano Fine Arts Academy, a public arts magnet school. Don has presented at several Art Ed Now conferences put on by the Art of Education and has been a guest on their podcast, Art Ed Radio. He frequently writes for Arts & Activities Magazine, and maintains a blog where I first discovered him: Shine Brite Zamorano. He is well known for incorporating contemporary artists into his curricula and developing collaborative projects with his students.


@shinebritezamorano on Instagram and Facebook

@dmasse on Instagram

@shinebriteproductions on Facebook

Don's Etsy Shop: Shinebriteproducts

Don's Threadless Shop: @shinebriteproductions

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Follow: @teachingartistpodcast


View the "Catharsis" exhibit at playinspiregallery.com

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