Jennifer Love Gironda is such an accomplished art teacher and artist. She shared really helpful tips on grant writing, teaching, and getting your art out there. I love how she approaches art and teaching and life with such a can-do attitude. She is so encouraging of other artists and teachers and committed to her art-making. She has been making a piece every day since January, 2012.

Jennifer Love Gironda is a teaching artist in every sense of the phrase. She studied art at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC where she obtained BFA and MAEd degrees.  She has participated in numerous art shows and exhibits.

She says “My goal is to put some whimsy and light out into the world, a little of my heART. “

Jennifer has taught art in various grade levels from K-12 for over fifteen years and is a National Board Certified Teacher.  She has written many successful grants for her schools and classrooms over the years. This year, she was recognized as making significant contributions to art and culture with the Liman Excellence in Arts Education Award from the Cultural Council for Palm Beach County.

I love her commitment to both teaching and art-making and how she builds connections. Everything is everything. Thank you, Jennifer!

Go check out her work and the work of the artists she mentioned!

Blog Post with images and links

@artbyjlg artist instagram

@studiogironda teacher instagram

Kianga Jinaki - textile artist (@kianga_art)

Jason Fleurant, aka JaFleu (@trealtoonz and @jafleu)

Anthony Burks - (@ampburks)

Edel Rodriguez

John Parra - illustrator of several children's books, including Hey Wall: A Story of Art & Community and Frida Kahlo and Her Animalitos

Adam Hillman (@witenry)

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