Having a goal is a good idea, right? 

I mean...it seems like a good idea, BUT. 

Here's the thing. It's easy for goal-setting to go terribly wrong. 

And when it does, we get FRUSTRATED - it sucks to set goals and not reach them, AND doing this over and over again KILLS your confidence. 

Who wants to set themselves up for failure over and over again? I get it. I see you. 

And I'm here to offer you an alternative. 

This week on Teachers in Business I'm sharing how to set A goal - one goal - that will actually work for you. 

We'll talk about why having a goal matters, why I very much advocate for 1 vs. multiple, and how to think about this whole process of setting (and hitting) a goal differently. 

It CAN work, and it doesn't need to feel like banging your head into the wall!