Clarity is this magical thing that we feel like we have to FIND. It feels like something we have to search high and low for, and that we can't DO any of the things we want to do without. Because if we start and we're unclear, well... we might do something wrong, we might take a wrong turn, we might confuse people and that's bad, right? Well. Here's the thing. We DO need clarity... but the key to finding it is different than we think it is - and it comes in a different part of the process of growing a business than we think it does. It ALSO involves maybe a few wrong turns... but actually, they're right turns, we just didn't know it yet (we find that out once we HAVE clarity, omg...). So, how does this finding clarity thing ACTUALLY work? It's not complicated, it's just different than the way you're doing it right now...


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