Live from the Emerging Contaminants in the Environment Conference, Stuart and Sarah Zack (!) interview John Scott about PFAS, microplastics, and he patiently tries to explain whatever analytical chemistry is. This was an enjoyable conversation with a great guest and a really cool conference.

Show links:
Emerging Contaminants in the Environment Conference
John Scott's page
TMATGL Episode 1: They're Also Called Nurdles, featuring Sarah Zack and then-guest Carolyn Foley. Right away in this episode, Stuart realized that Carolyn needed to be a host, and Sarah was awesome, too. So awesome, in fact, that we invited her back for...
TMATGL 24: It Was Way Too Liquidy and Weird, in which we draft plastic alternatives.

Show credits:
Host & Executive Producer: Stuart Carlton
Co-Host: Sarah Zack
Senior Producer: Carolyn Foley

Producers: Hope Charters, Megan Gunn, & Irene Miles

Associate Producer: Ethan Chitty
Edited by: Quinn Rose
Podcast art by: Joel Davenport

Music by: Stuart Carlton