Next Episode: TheBottomShelfPDX Ep.0

Welcome to our fir...oh wait...welcome to Episode 0 of our brand new podcast Zombie Skeleton Knife-Fight, a podcast about a group of people talking about the things they like, and the topics that interest them, usually with hilarious results.

Show Notes: Ultimately this was just a test run just to see how well the quality would fare and to just mess around with the format to see if it works, and overall I like the results. Unfortunately this was cut a little short as we intended to go on for an hour, but that just didn't happen.

We also intended for one of our members to join us, but he was off working his day job, so he couldn't make it.

Next time however will not only be longer, it will have more goofs! And more content!

Anyway, hope you enjoy. Feel free to please leave feedback on our show, and if you have questions for us, and would like us to discuss your question for our show, related to the show, or something totally random. Leave it in the form of a comment!

Recorded & Edited by: Jordan Jennings

Performed by: Jordan & Jason Jennings

Intro Music: A Vile Climate-By Starship Amazing

Outro Music: Monkey Nation-By Ojo Rojo From the Album: Tunes From The Way Out

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