Like I said in the intro to this episode of the podcast, this opening blurb of this episode of the podcast will be very unorthodox.

To be brief and to give some context, this was recorded sometime in September, and overw\all I had a great time with both Jason and Raquel...unfortunately a month after the podcast was recorded, Jason passed away at the young age of 24 years old.

I won't get into what exactly happened, as I'd rather not discuss the dirty details with you all and keep it within my close circle of friends, but I will say this. Jason Jenkins was an amazing guy to be around. The moment I met him I had no Idea where our friendship would end up, but in the end he turned out to be a great friend to have, whether it was talking music and showing him the music I made or vice versa, him being on the podcast and talking shit, or simply hanging out-going to bars-and overall having a great time together, through and through he was the shining light at the end of my dark tunnel, at no point did he do me wrong or cease to make me happy.

Because of him I not only got to do this podcast with a lot of awesome people, but I also made a lot of great friends in the progress as well was given the inspiration to do the things I love, and go for the things I love instead of the things I hate.

To end off before this goes on to long, he was a great friend, and everyone that knew him and could say that they were a close friend, I feel I say this for us all, that we were cheated of a long great relationship with an awesome individual.

In any case, Rock on in the afterlife Jason, I miss you dearly.

In any case, enjoy episode 8 of ZombieSkeletonKnifeFight Featuring Jenkem and The Ricketts.

GoogleDriveLink to the Episode: Link



Credits: Released December 11th, 2016

 Host: Jordan Jennings

 Featured guest: Jason Jenkins & Raquel Rivas

 Producer: Jordan Jennings

 Editor: Jordan Jennings

 Tracks used:

CracklingRockMan: Song Used-Too Poor To Get Drunk & Missing You