In this debut episode of the J & J Cast we talk about pretend black women, Pretend Gamer 'Feminist' Anita Sarkeesian, CM punk getting Signed to the UFC, and Donald fuckin' Trump running for the presidency and the hilarious results left in his wake, with some funny results. 

The J & J cast is a Podcast by two very animated brothers discussing our opinions about random shit happening around us in life, no matter what it is, and usually with some funny results, and whatever questions we get asked by you guys, we will answer to the best to our abilities. 

Send us your questions to , [email protected], our Official Fan Page on Facebook or gives us a text or voicemail to our official phone #: (971) 266-3756, and we will get to them on the podcast. Also if you wish to remain anonymous let us know and we won't use your name.