Listen to this very real episode on the impact of sleep and lack of sleep & insomnia. While its ok for you to not sleep and try to function, please don't impose this thought process on your staff. The increasing number of stakeholders who expect workers to carry on with no sleep & with high levels of job related stress is hitting an all time high. While targets are important, and yes, having a workforce that understands this is paramount, is not to say that when a member of staff approaches you to say they cannot function properly in their day to day lives as they are having trouble sleeping you should tell them to 'man up' or 'carry on'. Shockingly, I face this with businesses all the time. Maybe if we all knew the dangerous impact that lack of sleep has on us, we might help promote healthy sleep which goes hand hand with work-life-balance. Listening to this episode is your first step in valuing your health and sleep. And doing something about it as an even further step in bettering the quality of your life. Enjoy.