Ursula Orange, Elizabeth Fair, and audiobooks – it’s fair to say that people probably won’t know that much about the authors today, but they are both among the Furrowed Middlebrow reprint series published by Dean Street Press. Any fan of

Ursula Orange, Elizabeth Fair, and audiobooks – it’s fair to say that people probably won’t know that much about the authors today, but they are both among the Furrowed Middlebrow reprint series published by Dean Street Press. Any fan of middlebrow novels should certainly hunt out this series.



For the first half of the episode, we’re talking audiobooks – in a fairly uninformed way, it turns out, so do let us know if you have any suggestions for narrators or audiobooks that we should try. And suggestions for future topics, of course – we’ve had a few come in, and that’s exciting, and I keep meaning to write them all down in one place…

Head over to our iTunes page, should you so wish – we love the reviews we’ve been getting in (thanks!), which you can do through podcast apps or whatnot.

The books and authors we mention this episode (mostly in passing, as usual) are:

Arthur and Sherlock by Michael Sims

The Story of Charlotte’s Web by Michael Sims

Letters From England by Mollie Panter-Downes

London War Notes by Mollie Panter-Downes

The Pleasures of Reading: A Booklover’s Alphabet by Catherine Sheldrick Ross

Lives For Sale ed. by Mark Bostridge

Hillary Spurling

Ivy Compton-Burnett

Hermione Lee

Claire Tomalin

Ann Thwaite

School For Love by Olivia Manning

The Balkan Trilogy by Olivia Manning

Elizabeth Jane Howard

Gilead by Marilynne Robinson

Cogheart by Peter Bunzl

John Green

To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

Agatha Christie

The Return of Alfred by Herbert Jenkins

The Provincial Lady Goes Further by E.M. Delafield

The Egg and I by Betty Macdonald

Chelbury Abbey by Denis Mackail

The Majestic Mystery by Denis Mackail

Tom Tiddler’s Ground by Ursula Orange

A Winter Away by Elizabeth Fair

Miss Read

Richmal Crompton

Barbara Pym

Angela Thirkell

To The North by Elizabeth Bowen

Put Out More Flags by Evelyn Waugh

Dorothy Whipple

A Wreath For the Enemy by Pamela Frankau

Mr Fortune’s Maggot by Sylvia Townsend Warner

The Lark by E. Nesbit

Rachel Ferguson

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee