Reprints or original editions? That’s the first question we ask ourselves, courtesy of Michelle of Book Musings, and have a lot of fun discussing it. In the second half of the episode we get uncharacteristically modern – pitting two


Reprints or original editions? That’s the first question we ask ourselves, courtesy of Michelle of Book Musings, and have a lot of fun discussing it. In the second half of the episode we get uncharacteristically modern – pitting two Audrey Niffenegger novels against one another, The Time Traveller’s Wife and Her Fearful Symmetry. You might be able to tell that we’re better off talking about old books… but we tried, y’all.

As usual, we’d love to hear your feedback, which you’d choose, and any topics you’d like us to debate in the future. We love your suggestions, and sometimes have even read the books/authors you ask us to talk about… all too often the suggestions make me feel terribly ill-read. But keep ’em coming!

Listen above, download via an app, or via our iTunes page (reviews and ratings always welcomed!) and we’ll be back in a couple of weeks or so. And here are the books and authors we mention in this episode…

Gone to Earth by Mary Webb

The Moving Toyshop by Edmund Crispin

London Belongs To Me by Norman Collins

The Story of Alice by Robert Douglas-Fairhurst

Peter and Alice by John Logan

Dorothy Whipple

E.M. Delafield

Nancy Mitford

Henry Green

Penelope Fitzgerald

Daphne du Maurier

Elaine Dundy

84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

Elizabeth Taylor

Jane Austen

Edith Olivier

Vita Sackville-West

Mary Hocking

As Far As Jane’s Grandmother’s by Edith Olivier

An Unexpected Guest by Bernadette Murphy

Mrs Parkington by Louis Bromfield

Private Papers of a Bankrupt Bookseller by Anon [William Darling]

To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger

We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver

Marilynne Robinson

Sarah Waters

Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier