Exploring TARTLE, a global real-time human intelligence and analysis platform
Discussing the importance of ethically sourced, encrypted first-party data for AI


TARTLE: A Secure Global Marketplace for Data

Offering tools for sourcing initial training sets and targeted real-person model feedback
Providing visualization and analysis tools for intelligence-driven decisions in AI
Understanding the peer-to-peer approach for unlocking zero and first-party data


Comprehensive Consumer Profile Datasets for Machine Learning and AI

Specializing in model training sets and feedback tailored to specific needs
Harnessing a diverse range of datasets from globally distributed members
Ensuring top-notch data harvesting and evaluation by humans
Seamless API Integration for Quality Real-time Data


Discussing TARTLE's D2C Infrastructure and Strategy for model training sets
Exploring the availability of unique and newly created data sets, including photos, audio, video recordings, and texts

State-of-the-art Data Encryption and Marketplace Technologies
Ensuring ethical creation and extraction of bespoke training data for AI systems
Protecting data integrity and privacy


The Importance of Clean Data for Data Scientists

Acknowledging the potential consequences of bad data, such as project shutdowns and AI bias
Defining clean data as unbiased, error-free, and representative of the population
Emphasizing the need for ethical data collection methods and best practices



Reiterating the value of TARTLE's data-driven solutions for AI
Encouraging the use of ethically sourced, secure, and comprehensive data for successful AI implementation

For More Information Click Here


TCAST Live is an education, business, and technology video podcast that informs listeners and viewers on the best practices, theory, and technical functions of the TARTLE exchange system and how it is designed to serve society with the highest and best intentions.


The show is hosted by Co-Founder & Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Co-Host CMO Jason Rigby.


TARTLE is free to join, forever and can be accessed at WWW.TARTLE.CO