In this eye-opening episode of TCAST, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby dive deep—literally—into the consequences of our insatiable thirst for groundwater. Can human activity really impact the tilt of the Earth's axis? The revelation that rampant groundwater pumping has led to measurable shifts in the planet's rotation is more than just groundbreaking—it's a testament to the scale of human influence on our planet. Join us as we explore how and why this is happening and what it means for our future.

Show Notes:


A quick recap of the article from Scientific American by Davide Castelvecchi. The astonishing fact: Earth has lost over 2 trillion tons of groundwater between 1993 and 2010.

The Earth Wobbles

Explanation of how the tilt of Earth's axis is generally stable. How significant shifts can occur when large masses relocate within and on the surface of the planet.

A Deeper Dive with Ki-Weon Seo's Insights

Discussing Seo's findings and his journey to understand the changes in Earth's water content. Unraveling the mystery: how groundwater was the missing piece in explaining the tilt.

Gravitational Surveys & Their Revelations

The link between irrigation practices, particularly in northwestern India and western North America, and depletion of underground reservoirs. How this depletion has contributed to global sea-level rise.

Consequences & Future Implications

Delving into the potential outcomes of the shift in Earth's axis. The direction of the shift: towards Russia’s Novaya Zemlya islands. Allegra LeGrande from NASA's take on the impact of this research.

Closing Thoughts

The broader theme: the undeniable impact of human activities on Earth. How data and technology can help us become more aware and perhaps find solutions.

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Recommendations & References:

Rampant Groundwater Pumping Has Changed the Tilt of Earth’s Axis - Scientific American Research by Ki-Weon Seo, geophysicist at Seoul National University. Insights from Allegra LeGrande, a climate scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

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