Previous Episode: SNS #58: The G1 Climaxed

On this episode of The Most Random Show on the net, We take a look at a website stealing someone’s content and passing it off as their own. Ruby Rose as Batwoman, and why do people have to be A**hats on social media. Tom Cruise could be the Green Lantern. Let that sink in. A...

On this episode of The Most Random Show on the net, We take a look at a website stealing someone’s content and passing it off as their own. Ruby Rose as Batwoman, and why do people have to be A**hats on social media. Tom Cruise could be the Green Lantern. Let that sink in. A woman loses her contact lens in her eye for 28 years. Panera releases a double bread bowl to prove we are living in the greatest timeline. A man in Georgia steals $100,000 worth of ramen, and college students everywhere hopes he will share. And finally, we fill out our Ultimate Nerd Debate Bracket of DC vs Marvel, and the winner may surprise a few of you. And you know there is more random in this episode than one can handle.