This week on Chris's Corner I go on a rant about creating a great relationship with food. It seems today's society has robbed us all of the joy that is food. I'm here to tell you that you can take that responsibility back but only if you are willing to open yourself up to the world of balance. What is balance well, from my perspective it is total caloric intake, macronutrients, micronutrients, and hitting your five fruit and veg every day. Yep, it is that simple. I like to think that this podcast really nails the coffin shut on how simple your day to day eating to should be and that by cutting food groups, calories, and certain foods out of diet will not help you lead a happier healthier life. I hope this podcast can help you and also make you realise how much fun cooking can be! As always I hope you enjoy this week's podcast and as always, I'll see you this time next week.