Welcome True Believers, this is the Mighty Marvel Mix, a Podcast brought to you by the Taylor Network of Podcasts. This is a podcast for fans of all things Marvel! Comics, movies, TV, merchandise, we've got you covered with news, views and reviews.
In this episode, your hosts Paul Shearman and Darrell Taylor hold the fort down as they remain Colin-less, so we have some mild spolier-y chat about some of the latest Marvel Comics releases.

We focus mainly on the current comic book event, Heroes Reborn, which is up to Issue 4 and several one-shots down. And of course, we start looking for clues about where this event is heading - so cue Mephisto conspiracy theories everywhere (have we learned nothing from Wandavision..?) We also talk about X-Men issue 20, but don't worry - no Mephisto theories in that one...

As well as this podcast, you can also check out the Marvel Mix Bulletin, which is extra bonus content that features the latest and most up to date news from Marvel.

And you can now also find the Mighty Marvel Mix on YouTube - check out our channel at: