Welcome True Believers, this is the Mighty Marvel Mix, a Podcast brought to you by the Taylor Network of Podcasts. This is a podcast for fans of all things Marvel! Comics, movies, TV, merchandise, we've got you covered with news, views and reviews.
In this episode, your hosts Paul Shearman and Darrell Taylor are still Colin-less, but they soldier on anyway and bring you a round up of the latest releases from Marvel Comics. We also take time out to discuss the sad loss of incredible artist Jean Paul Leon, who sadly passed after due to illness recently. He is a major loss to the industry and to those who knew him and loved him.

In comics chat, we talk about the first issue of the latest comic book event, Heroes Reborn. There will also be some spoiler-ish chat about the opening issue, and then a bit more spoiler-ish chat when we talk about Hellions 11 and America Chavez: Made In The USA 3.

We also preview the upcoming Hellfire Gala, which will dominate the next 12 issues of X-related books. Listen in for two fashion icons (*cough cough) talk about the glitzy costumes that are going to be on display. We also spend several minutes trying to work out who the heck all these celebrities are that will be cameoing in this event. Prepare to be astounded by the American co-host and his stunning knowledge of American sporting and media personalities...

As well as this podcast, you can also check out the Marvel Mix Bulletin, which is extra bonus content that features the latest and most up to date news from Marvel.

And you can now also find the Mighty Marvel Mix on YouTube - check out our channel at: