The Patriot and Prosecutor Challenging Devin Nunes 

Andrew Janz was raised in Visalia; the son of immigrants, he has committed his life to public service. Andrew returned home after law school and became a prosecutor for Fresno County, and is now running for Congress to continue serving the community. Andrew will fight for clean drinking water for residents and secure water delivery systems for our farmers who feed our nation. Andrew will be a champion for Central Valley small businesses and help bring good paying jobs to our region. It's time to put country over party and elect good people to government.


Tiffany Bond: Rural Maine is hard working, good folks, raising families. We don’t want a hand out but we need a voice. We can strengthen and diversify our economy. We can improve access to healthcare. We can do this together, the Maine way. Instead of being driven apart by political conflict, let’s use different opinions and life experiences to find solutions that are better than what any one of us can come up with alone. Let’s do it in a way where everyone has the same opportunity to be heard, with representation that isn’t sold to the highest bidder. You can hire an Independent US Representative for Maine’s Second Congressional District who isn’t distracted by the constant fundraising and just works for you.