Trump’s actions as President are obvious indications of his overall behavior and intentions. Trump’s past dealing are also obvious indicators on how he conducts himself as president.

All of this will be meaningless if Trump doesn’t end up in jail. Impeachment alone could be considered a victory for Trump. The very survival of our democracy is predicated on Trump going to jail, preferably for life. We let Nixon walk, and now we have Trump because of it. If Trump knew ahead of time that criminal behavior in office would land him in jail, he would have never run in the first place.

This country needs to send a very clear message on this issue: Without exception, if you commit a serious crime while in office, you go to jail?—?period. When, exactly, did this country decide that the greater your office and responsibility, the less you should be held accountable for your actions?

Rather than people like the president and police officers, etc, being held to a higher standard, they are held to a lesser one. Like Nixon, Trump seems to think that since he occupies the highest office in the land, he should be held to the lowest standard of conduct and accountability. This notion is patently antithetical to the very idea of equal justice under the law.

If Trump escapes justice, than the promise and ideals of this nation will be permanently rendered moot.