Charlotte Clymer, a military veteran based in Washington DC, has come out as trans in a lengthy series of tweets.

We’re reprinting the text from the tweets below so you can read her entire story. She also has advice for others on a similar journey, or those who want to know more about trans issues.

‘Well, I’m not sure there’s a “right” time to announce something like this, but I’ve reached a point in my life where I finally feel comfortable, for various reasons, to be my true self, and were the world to end tomorrow, I don’t want that truth being buried with me.

‘I’m transgender, which means that although I was assigned “male” at birth based on anatomy, I’ve always felt that, at least on the inside, I’m female. Your “sex” is your designation at birth based on some biological factors; “gender” is how you express your identity.

‘I would love to live in a society that doesn’t have the concept of gender. Sounds like heaven. Be whoever you are, and that’s how people will acknowledge you. But we don’t. We’re given a binary: male or female, boy or girl, man or woman. It’s a system and chosen for you.

‘I want that system to change but in the meantime, for the purposes of navigating it with a sound heart + mind, I have arrived at a place where I can no longer attempt to bend myself into a pre-fabricated shape that looks nothing like who I really am.

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