A group of MSNBC political analysts feared President Donald Trump has become a “cornered badger” on political issues looming on the horizon.

During a Sunday discussion about the “wall,” the panel recalled the president’s “pride” in shutting down the U.S. government to score his $5 billion.

“So, what we’ve been hearing is rumors that maybe the president is going to accept to kick the can down the road and deal with the border wall funding in January,” claimed Victoria DeFrancesco, University of Texas professor. “The idea of a wall really isn’t necessary, in terms of quote/unquote fixing immigration. What’s needed is to rethink our asylum policy, how we can make it more efficient, how we did get more judges down there to hear the asylum cases, but the border wall is a waste of money. Trump knows it, but he also said he would do it. He’s going to have to find a way to wiggle out of it. If I were a betting woman, I would think he’ll kick it to January and keep kicking it down the road.”

MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton noted that undocumented immigrants crossing the border is actually down, but “you wouldn’t know it from the hysteria” doled out by the president on Twitter. Democratic strategist Emily Tisch Sussman was in emphatic agreement.

Read More Here: https://www.rawstory.com/2018/12/hes-thrashing-going-msnbc-analysts-blast-trump-tantrum-wall-funding/