In the weeks since Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, not one, not two, but three women have stepped forward to accuse him of perpetrating or participating in sexual assault.

The first charge was Doctor Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation of attempted rape. Ford accused Kavanaugh of holding her down, muffling her screams, and trying to take off her clothes. The second charge was Deborah Ramirez’s, who accused Kavanaugh of exposing his penis to her and laughing about it to his friends. The third charge, which emerged on Wednesday, came from Julie Swetnick. Swetnick accused Kavanaugh of running a “rape train,” getting girls drunk and participating in gang rapes.

These are shocking accusations. But maybe we should have expected revelations about sexual misconduct from a Trump nominee. After all, as of last count, President Trump has more than 16 allegations of sexual misconduct against him.

But it’s not just that the two have both amassed accusations of sexual crimes that makes them simpatico. For Kavanaugh is not just a Trump pick. He is the natural product of the worldview Trump espouses, what I like to call Trumpism.

Put simply, Trumpism is all about empowering the empowered. Trumpism is about taking the cool kids, the rich white kids who have always got what they wanted, and making sure that they get even more.

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