I am a proud daughter of Indian immigrants. My parents have worked so hard to make sure my brother and I had a better life than they had in India. I don’t take their sacrifice for granted.

I grew up with my parents telling me stories of how they helped people in this community through their every day jobs as insurance agents. I am always in awe of how much trust this community has placed in my family. And I don’t take that trust for granted.

My whole life has been about giving back. Contributing to the betterment of my community.

That’s why I studied community development and Regional Planning.

And that’s why I followed in my parents’ footsteps.

And now I get the honor of talking to people every day about the challenges they’re facing and how they can protect the life they’ve worked so hard to build. People talk to me when they’ve had something big happen in their lives: when they’ve had a baby, or purchased their first home, or they’re planning their retirement. And they depend on me to help guide them through that process. They trust me.

I’m asking you to trust me to guide you through the next two years. I know we can do better in this community. I’ve seen it happen in communities all across this country. With fewer resources.

We have no excuse. Our community deserves better infrastructure. Better jobs. A brighter future.

And I’m the one to make that happen here.

I’m Sonia Aery and I’m running to represent the 3rd District in the California Assembly.