Janice Lynn Park, the daughter of a Marine, grew up in Southern California within a mile of Disneyland. Her first of many union jobs was as telephone operator for Pacific Bell.

As a young single mom of a four day old baby and a 4-year old, she began attending University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing to earn her BS; then attended Cal State Northridge in the Public health education graduate program.

In 1992 she started a new life in Anchorage, Alaska, joining her future husband where he had found work doing water treatment on the North Slope. She took nine days pulling a trailer to drive the Alaska Highway—just herself, a small child and a cat.


Mike Siegel: My career has been in public service, as a school teacher, civil rights lawyer, and advocate for communities left out of the political process. I am running for Congress to make sure we have a safety net that protects every American, and to restore common decency to our federal government.

I was born into a union household - my mother was a welder at a Caterpillar factory, a member of the machinists union, and was on strike against unsafe working conditions when I was in the womb. I have spent my life surrounded by working people, by people of all backgrounds, and by people willing to dedicate their lives to fighting for the greater good.

Through my candidacy, I seek to unite the various communities of the 10th Congressional District who are thoroughly unrepresented by the current Congressman. From Austin to Houston, Bastrop to Prairie View, we all deserve to have our voices heard.