Justin Miller’s agency runs a marketing company that does both online and print marketing. Before the agency, Justin was a disc jockey and he grew that business for 20 years. Around the 15th year, Justin decided that he really wanted to focus on the marketing specifically. He dabbled with consulting and after a few more years sold the disc jockey business and opened his current consulting business.

Direct mail is taking over the marketing world in 2021. The reason that it works is that it’s unpopular. Not many businesses are doing it, and surveys have shown that people feel more connection to a physical piece of mail than an ad in their Facebook feed. It’s a great way to get noticed, assuming you have a viable product or service to sell once you have their attention. The average person only gets one personalized letter every 62 days. This means that mailboxes are very uncluttered and are a great channel to use. Direct mail done right works. Always have an offer when using direct mail. Most of the time the whole point of the campaign is lead generation, so you don’t need to force a sale. Justin would rather have someone mail a smaller list 3 to 4 times than a larger list just once. Repetition matters. Make sure you have a clear call to action and multiple ways for them to respond. This can take the form of a landing page, a phone number to call, or a number to text. The goal is to have your piece not perceived as junk mail. Doing an every-door direct mail campaign on the main business route in your city would be a great place to find IRS problem clients. For high value service providers, even tiny numbers make direct mail campaigns very successful. It only takes a couple responses to make a campaign profitable. If you’re going to be in the direct mail business, knowing your numbers is crucial. You have to trace everything from the cost per lead to cost per acquisition to your conversion rate. The issue is that the numbers are not statistically relevant to making decisions. For a high ticket service you need to stay the course for at least 90 days. If you can do that you should be able to see the value of the direct mail campaign. The main goal is to try to get your piece of mail opened. Things like a stamp on the envelope and a handwritten-style address are necessary to achieve that goal. The return address is typically just the street address which is just enough information to pique someone’s interest and get the mail piece opened. Once it’s opened you have a second challenge. Most people don’t pay attention to the way something goes into an envelope. The first thing you want people to see is your headline. Extra weight or thickness can make your piece stand out and increase the odds of it being opened, but the best thing you can do is reach the right person at the right time. If you’ve picked the right mailing list you have the right person, but you also have to arrive at the right time, which is out of your control. This is why repetition is the most important thing, because it gives you more than one chance to be there at the right time. If your prospect is worth a lot of money to you, the more times you can mail them, the better. One of the more time consuming tips is to go through your list and use your personal perspective to prune those who you think aren’t worth the time of sending to. Go through your list and take the time to save money up front so you can send more often to the right people. As long as the post office gets back to its previous level of service, direct mail should definitely be in most business owner’s toolkits. It always comes down to getting started. You don’t have to have a big list to make direct mail work for your business.  A small number of prospects can make a big difference.


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Michael Rozbruch's Tax & Business Solutions Academy
