Hey, it's Michael Rozbruch here, also known as the Roz Man. And I help CPAs, enrolled agents, attorneys, and other tax professionals build highly lucrative practices by showing you how to add $5,000 tax resolution clients to your business. And the IRS just came out as they have for the last 20 years with their list for 2022 of their dirty dozen. And one thing on the list really upset me, and I find it offensive. And I think you will, too. And this was right out of the mouth of Charles Rettig, the IRS commissioner. He says that no one can get a better deal for taxpayers than they usually get for themselves by working directly with the IRS to resolve their tax issues. This is something that Chuck Rettig said, are you kidding me? I mean, seriously. And I find this offensive and actually amusing at the same time, because Chuck Rettig was in private practice for 30 or 35 years in Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, whose firm was dependent on taxpayers hiring him to do offers and compromise, among other resolution and litigation cases. Look, 50 million people in this country have an IRS problem large enough that warrants professional representation. The vast majority of you of tax resolution practitioners are honest, reputable people who really care about their clients. They're not there to take their money and not do the work. So for Chuck Rettig to make a statement like that, I find offensive, actually. And you should, too, because so many people need our help today. So many people need to get their IRS issues behind them. There are so many non-filers. So even though they may not qualify for an offer in compromise, they still need help with an installment agreement, a partial pay installment agreement, a currently not collectible situation, perhaps an innocent spouse relief request or a penalty abatement request. There are so many other options other than an offer in compromise to resolve your tax payer's issues. Look, the vast majority of your tax resolution clients, over 70% are not going to qualify for an offer in compromise. That's why I find this statement so offensive by the commissioner of the IRS. So when you follow the Roz strategy system for taking somebody through a financial consultation, you'll know by the end of that consultation, number one, if you want to work with them. Number two, if you can actually help them. And number three, that you have a real good high level of confidence you can resolve their tax problem. So that's the video for this week. We'll see you next time. 

If you want to learn more about the lucrative nature of tax resolution, click on the link below for some free training resources that I'd like to provide to you. Tax resolution is a way for you to generate profits and cash flow all year round. And on this free training, I teach you where to find clients that have tax problems, how to attract them to you, how to take them through the initial consultation, what to charge for certain resolution alternatives, and how to collect that money. All on this free training. So if you want to learn more, if you want to gain more profits, more cash flow during the year, and stop doing just cheap tax returns, click on the link below, and I'll see you on the other side. https://rozstrategies.com/2022-challenge