Hey, it's Michael Rozbruch here, Creator of the Tax Resolution Domination System and Toolkit and Founder of Roz Strategies. Never let a client hire you only for an Offer In Compromise (OIC). Look, only 30 to 35% at most of your tax resolution clients will qualify for an Offer In Compromise because there are stringent requirements to be eligible. So most of your clients are going to be Installment Agreement (IA), Partial Pay IA, Innocent Spouse Relief and Currently Not Collectible (CNC) clients. 


Here's the thing. When a client comes to you, and they're a great candidate for an Offer In Compromise, you've got to remember that you can't guarantee anything. You can't ensure what you're going to settle the case for and the outcome because the IRS is the final arbiter, and they have the last word. So when a client comes to you, and you've determined after you've taken them through a financial consultation that they're a good Offer In Compromise candidate — write in your engagement letter and put a couple of these paragraphs. 


Prepare, submit and negotiate an Offer in Compromise "OR" (that's the keyword here) an Installment Agreement and paragraph number three, add Penalty Abatement. In this way, if the client doesn't qualify, the IRS rejects or returns your request for an Offer in Compromise, the clients don't get upset. They're not asking you for a refund because you have determined and spoke to them that hey, if you don't qualify for an OIC or if we're not successful at the end of the day, we're also going to prepare an Installment Agreement or a Penalty Abatement.


Because the client is hiring you to resolve their case on a permanent basis and hiring you for representation, don't forget to include the "OR" after the Offer in Compromise paragraph for Installment Agreement and Penalty Abatement. And that's the tip for today. We'll see you in the next video. 

If you want to learn more about the lucrative nature of tax resolution, click on the link below for some free training resources that I'd like to provide to you—tax resolution as a way for you to generate profits and cash flow all year round.

And on this free training, I teach you where to find clients that have tax problems, how to attract them to you, how to take them through the initial consultation, what to charge for certain resolution alternatives, and how to collect that money all on this free training.

So if you want to learn more, if you want to gain more profits, more cash flow during the year and stop doing just cheap tax returns, click on the link below, and I'll see you on the other side. https://www.rozstrategies.com/live-training

#taxresolution #oic #offerincompromise