Hey, I'm Michael Rozbruch, Founder of Roz Strategies and Creator of the Tax Resolution, Domination System and Toolkit. 

And what's the difference between a transactional sale versus a relationship sale?

What does this really mean?

What does a transaction sale mean?

What does a relationship sale mean? A transactional sale means I got to make the sale.

I got to have this revenue. Versus a relationship sale is this: people want to be understood before they contract and hire you.

People don't do business with you because they understand what you do.They do business with you because they feel understood. And I want to repeat that because once this sinks in, once you adopt this mindset, everything changes when you have consultations and you're trying to close the deal and get clients into your firm. Again, people don't do business with you because they understand what you do.

People do business with you because they want to feel understood. It's all about the relationship.

When I had my consultations, I would find some common ground that I can be relatable to my prospect.I never talked down to them.I never talked like I knew more than they did. I wanted to have that emotional bond with them from the very get go of the consultation.

So once you adopt having a relationship versus a transaction, everything changes.It's the difference between what a customer is versus what a client is. A customer is a one-time transaction. A client is a relationship. It's a long-term relationship that you have with a client.

So that's the tip for this video. And we will see on the next one.

If you want to learn more about the lucrative nature of tax resolution, click on the link below for some free training resources that I'd like to provide to you—tax resolution as a way for you to generate profits and cash flow all year round.

And on this free training, I teach you where to find clients that have tax problems, how to attract them to you, how to take them through the initial consultation, what to charge for certain resolution alternatives, and how to collect that money all on this free training.

So if you want to learn more, if you want to gain more profits, more cash flow during the year and stop doing just cheap tax returns,

Click on the link below, and I'll see you on the other side.
