Episode 36 – Helping small businesses in taxing times

In this episode of the Tax inVoice podcast hosts Sally Bektas and David Jepsen are joined by Assistant Commissioners’ Andrew Watson and Amy James-Velagic to explore topics to help small businesses get their tax right including: motor vehicle expenses; concessions; personal services income; and business losses. The hosts also have a chat with new COSBOA CEO Alexi Boyd.

Links to information and resources mentioned in this episode can be found below: 

What’s New? ato.gov.au/motorvehicleexpensesato.gov.au/SBtaxtimetoolkitato.gov.au/concessionsataglanceato.gov.au/PSIDeep Diveato.gov.au/businesslossesato.gov.au/LCBeligibilityato.gov.au/losscarryback Off The Cuff with Alexi Boydcosboa.org.auMore informationato.gov.au/supportato.gov.au/bouncebackato.gov.au/depreciationincentivesato.gov.au/podcastlanguagesBeyond Blue - New Access for Small Business