Previous Episode: Taurus September 2017
Next Episode: Taurus November 2017

Stoner Taurus the second fall month brings a moment of transition. Hard work and diligence in the work sphere will blend quickly into a rush of personal endeavor. This change in planetary alignment brings seeds of growth, but tending this transitionary garden will be draining. The work and business sphere during October will bring continued … Continue reading Taurus October 2017 →

Stoner Taurus the second fall month brings a moment of transition. Hard work and diligence in the work sphere will blend quickly into a rush of personal endeavor. This change in planetary alignment brings seeds of growth, but tending this transitionary garden will be draining.

The work and business sphere during October will bring continued momentum from previous periods. Opportunities will sprout that can impact your career and earning potential. The most important internal element that affects the positivity of this stage and future time periods is settlement. A nice deep meditative smoke session with the Indica species of the sacred herb will unveil that you must find a settled position in your work. Comfort-ability and stability will be key to future success. Deep internal analysis will help you find your centered and balanced position within the capitalistic machine.

The big news my stoner Taurus is that you will be transitioning from a period of intensive work and business foundation building, to a time of love and creativity. You are on the precipice of a long lasting transition in planetary alignment. With work and business firmly grounded and stable, seeds of love and companionship can grow. This new planetary influence should be felt early in the October time period as warm cosmic winds heat up the bedroom.

Opportunities for creativity will now present themselves more than ever stoner Taurus. What is your artistic muse? Now is the time to push your creative boundaries and explore your artistic endeavors. If you are confused or stuck with which direction or project to take on, use the sacred herb as a catalyst for idea germination.

This planetary transition is wonderful stoner Taurus, but with any transition there can be uncertainty and fatigue. With all the chaos of opportunity surrounding you during October, you must not lose sight of your energy levels. It is mandatory to take time mid month to rest and heal your body and soul. You don’t just deserve a day alone with your favorite couch locking strain of the sacred herb, you need it.