Previous Episode: Taurus July 2017
Next Episode: Taurus September 2017

Stoner Taurus, selfishness is an ugly trait, but it can be a requirement in certain circumstances. In the final summer month, the planetary alignment has opened a window in which the bull must grab selfishness by the horns. Now is not the time to fix the ails of others or become preoccupied with the whims … Continue reading Taurus August 2017 →

Stoner Taurus, selfishness is an ugly trait, but it can be a requirement in certain circumstances. In the final summer month, the planetary alignment has opened a window in which the bull must grab selfishness by the horns. Now is not the time to fix the ails of others or become preoccupied with the whims of a cannabis companion. Before you can help others stoner Taurus, you must heal yourself.

Before the moon is full on the 7th of August, inhale the finest green of the sacred herb and look inward. This meditative smoke session must be more of a medicated smoke session. You have been hiding deep desires and passions that can transform your inner growth and spirituality. Take time to be selfish and focus all of your attention on what can heal you. The flesh is your astronautical cosmic space suit. Your personal vehicle needs attention and maintenance. August is the perfect time to reshape and enhance the vessel that propels you through the terrestrial plane.

The month of August is an opportunity to draw out that passionate project you have been neglecting. Creativity and art can heal the soul and uplift the spirit. Unfortunately your cannabis companions and loved ones cannot help you with this task. Your body and spirit need nurturing, and the only fertilizer available comes from within you. This untapped creativity can come in many forms in August stoner Taurus. Perhaps there is an untapped idea or venture that is related to work, but can become your own side project. You have always wanted to work on this project, but the realities of life have held your inspirations back.

August also brings an expansive time for the stoner Taurus. With a focus on your inner self, fellow cannabis companions will seek the protections of the Taurus bull. Your smoke circle will grow without effort. But heed my words stoner Taurus, internal focus is no excuse for poor manners. Never pass a cached bowl.