The Hero’s Journey is the foundation of every Star Wars trilogy. The idea of a nobody becoming a somebody who saves the day is the general story arc of all the stories in a galaxy far, far away.

Over the next 3 weeks, we’re going to take a look at the journey of each trilogy’s protagonist, and the lessons we can learn from them. This week, it’s all about a whiny farm boy who just wants to go hang out with his friends.

Plus, hot takes, poll results and more.

It's TIME for Tatooine Sons!


We’ve finally seen 5 minutes of footage from the scrapped “Underworld” series; there’s a home for sale that might have the best Star Wars themed basement on earth; and we say goodbye to a fan favorite from the Original Trilogy. It’s time for Hot Takes.

Star Wars leak shows off George Lucas’ scrapped TV series Underworld for the first time

A Star Wars themed home is for sale in LA - only $26 million

Original ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy Veteran Alan Harris Has Passed Away at 81