Whether you call it Spit-take Season or Sad Season, there’s no question you are reading the episode description for season 2 episode 11 of Tater Tots.

On this one, we discuss further fallout from the Astros cheating—the LA City Council’s attempt to retroactively change the results of the world series, and the Met’s replacement for the erstwhile manger Carlos Beltran. We also go deep on some two-way players. We consider three separate tater tots, all with the potential to make a big impact as a two-way player.

Please give me your word for the opposite of nostalgia. Send me an email with your word and I’ll try to use it in a sentence on our next episode.

Our tots this week are last year's two-way players: Jared Walsh, Brendan McKay, and Michael Lorenzen


The LA City Council demands MLB award 2 World Series to the Dodgers,
New Orleans attorneys demand the NFL send the Saints to last year’s Super Bowl,
Larry Walker’s Spongebob jacket,
Everyone in Colorado is mad at Jeff Bridich again,
Check out the transaction section on Rene Rivera’s Baseball Reference page,
The Pirates slick new unis,
Jared Walsh’s sweeet donger (September 10th),
Brendan McKay’s taaaaasty tater (September 22nd),
Michael Lorenzen’s Ruthian feat,
Fangraph’s article on the history of two-way players.

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Our theme music is Littlest League Possible by Guided By Voices.

Our artwork is by Shelby Criswell

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