Such a fun and seriously REAL episode of Taste Life Nutrition Radio & Podcast with the incredible Kat Granville!

In this episode, we explored the pervasive presence of toxins in our homes, body care products, and foods, emphasizing the importance of awareness and mindfulness in our consumption choices. Kat shared her insights on the alarming effects of food dyes, highlighting research that connects these additives to significant challenges in children's school performance and overall function.

A significant focus was placed on the often-overlooked issue of toxic school lunches, sparking a conversation about the need for healthier, more nourishing options for our children. We discussed practical solutions and alternatives to ensure our kids receive the best possible nutrition to support their growth and development.

We have this amazing resource in, a tool that empowers individuals to make safer and more informed decisions about the products they use and the food they consume and products they use. This platform's work in identifying and categorizing toxins in consumer goods is a game-changer for anyone committed to a healthy lifestyle.

We also touched on the critical role of supplements in bridging nutritional gaps and supporting overall health.

Kat explained how vaginal births naturally inoculate a child's immune system and shared groundbreaking strategies for mimicking this process through the vaginal wall sweep for babies born via C-section, offering them a similar start in microbial protection.

Missed the live show? Catch up on this vital conversation on toxins, health, and mindful motherhood on your favorite podcast platforms and YouTube.

Dive into the wealth of knowledge shared by Kat and discover actionable steps to safeguard your family's health, making informed choices that nurture wellness and vitality.

Connect with Kat:
Instagram: @natural.twin.mama

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