In this episode, Nikki jumps into the world of holistic wellness and nutrition with our inspiring guest, Casey Weiss, a wellness enthusiast and certified expert in both holistic and exercise nutrition.

Having battled health issues herself for nearly a decade, Casey brings a wealth of experience and empathy to the conversation.

We cover a wide range of topics in this conversation:
• Personal Journeys: Listen to Casey's own story of struggling with food and body image, and discover the pivotal moments that led to her transformation.
• Breaking the Diet Cycle: We explore how to escape the relentless yo-yo dieting pattern and adopt sustainable, healthy eating habits.
• Understanding Eating Behaviors: Casey sheds light on the root causes of unhealthy eating patterns and shares her approach to tackling them head-on.
• The Science of Nutrition: Unravel the complexities of nutrition science and learn how to fuel your body correctly.
• Redefining Food Relationships: Learn strategies to cultivate a healthy, stress-free relationship with food, moving away from calorie counting and food tracking.
• Integrating Holistic and Exercise Nutrition: Discover how combining holistic wellness with exercise nutrition can create a balanced approach to health.
• Special Focus on Women’s Health: From tackling issues like PMS and bloating to enhancing body confidence, we discuss tailored strategies for women’s health.
• The Holistic Approach: Understand the comprehensive nature of holistic wellness and why it’s essential for long-term health.
• Navigating Health Information: In a world brimming with health advice, learn how to sift through the noise and find what truly works for you.
• Bump to Baby Program: An exclusive look into Casey’s unique program designed for women navigating the journey of TTC and pregnancy.
• Support and Coaching: Explore the type of support and encouragement Casey provides to her clients on their path to wellness.
• Advice for the Overwhelmed: Casey shares her top tips for those feeling lost in their health and wellness journey.

Join us as we journey with Casey through these compelling topics, gaining insights, advice, and real-life strategies to embrace a healthier, happier life, beyond the scale and diet plans.

Whether you’re someone who's struggling with diet culture, a health enthusiast, or simply looking for a more balanced approach to wellness, this podcast is your haven for finding peace with food and your body.

About Casey:
Casey is a certified holistic nutritionist and life coach who lives in Northern California. She runs her practice, Your Case for Wellness, where she offers private and group coaching services.

After almost a decade of struggling with eating disorders and body image issues, she knew there must be a better way to approach health. This is what propelled her back to study nutrition.

Casey focuses on working with women who are ready to stop the yo-yo struggle and finally make peace with food and their bodies. She helps women to learn to eat in a way that promotes overall health as well weight loss.

She found that what was missing in the health coaching space were coaches and programs that emphasized the importance of mindset and holistic behaviors in tandem with food and exercise. She now coaches women all over the world on how they can truly feel their best from the inside out and stress less about food so they can live their lives to the fullest.

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