Do you ever have a hard time making yourself renew your mind? Maybe you've found that truth journaling or doing the I Deserve a Donut questions works, but you just can't make yourself do it. Or you're willing to do it, but can't remember to do it. In today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I'll be coaching Jamila about how to renew consistently.

We'll talk about what renewing looks like and how to do it in less than five minutes.

Other Things We Talked About: How perfectionism gets in the way of renewing Can you truth journal in less than five minutes? Why it's important to start small with Bible study and renewing A new way to look at failure Practical things you can do to help you remember to renew How to find the time to renew How to renew consistently Lies We Talked About: I'm hungry (so I should eat). I'm tired (so I should eat). I already broke it so I might as well eat. I'll start tomorrow.