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da Hengerer talks with Christine DeSmet about her Fudge Shop Mystery Series, Belgian chocolate, writing, and creating recipes.

Christine DeSmet is the author of the Fudge Shop Mystery Series and the novella series, Mischief in Moonstone Mystery Series, both set in Wisconsin. She is a writing coach as well, and spent several years as a Distinguished Faculty Associate in writing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Continuing Studies where she created the Writers' Institute conference and the Write-by-the-Lake Writers Workshop & Retreat. Christine's shelves are now lined with the books of her adult students in her past Master Classes. Christine is also an award-winning screenwriter who has optioned material. She belongs to several professional writing groups including Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, Wisconsin Writers Association, and Writers Guild of America/East.

Find out more at

Get to know Christine - The Tart Words Baker's Dozen:

1.    Plotter or Pantser? Combo? Combo.
I'm a writing coach, so my advice to myself and others is always to do whatever moves you for that story and those characters at that time. Often, we writers are both plotters and pantsers just to get one chapter completed. I sometimes outline scenes, and
sometimes I just let the imagination fly to see what comes of it.

2.    Tea or Coffee? Both.

3.    Beer, Wine, or Cocktails? A nice oaky chardonnay.

4.    Snacks: Sweet or Savory? Not a snacker much, but when I do it's usually savory, such as a great Wisconsin cheese.

5.    Indie Published, Traditionally Published, or Hybrid? Traditionally published with all of my books, with large and small publishers.

6.    Strict Writing Schedule: Yes or No - Yes. 

7.     Strictly Computer or Mix It Up? Computer, but make hand-written quick notes all the time when an idea strikes.

8.     Daily Goal: Yes or No - Yes, when writing a big project. I usually assign myself a scene or chapter a day.

9.     Formal Track Progress: Yes or No - I don't formally track progress. I don't look back when on a project. I'm always looking ahead.

10.  Special Writing Spot? My office. It's where I'm serious.

11.  Writer’s Block? Never had it. I have two degrees in journalism and that teaches you the secrets for meeting deadlines.

12. File of Ideas: Yes or No - Yes, many files! I love my files. I just reviewed them about two weeks ago and found gems. Now I just have to find the time to pursue these new projects.

13. Favorite Author(s)? I'm an author but also a writing coach, so my favorite author is any recent writer I worked with who finished their project in a quality way and shepherded it to publication. But when I'm reading on my own, my favorite author seems to be the last book I read, whatever that is. I read widely and enjoy all genres and age categories and love a spark of humor in whatever I'm reading.