Linda Hengerer talks with Carrie Stuart Parks, an award-winning, internationally known forensic artist. She travels across the US and Canada teaching courses in forensic art to law enforcement professionals including the FBI, Secret Service, and RCMP, and is the largest instructor of forensic art in the world.  Her best-selling novels in the mystery/suspense/thriller genre have garnered numerous awards including several Carols and Inspys; the Christy, Golden Scroll, Kudos, Maxwell, and Wright. Her books have finaled in the Daphne du Maurier, Selah, and Cascade competitions. As a professional fine artist, she has written and illustrated best-selling art books for North Light Publishers.

Visit her at to find out more information about Carrie, her art, and her books, including her most recent release Relative Silence.

Get to know Carrie: The Tart Words Baker's Dozen

1.  Plotter or Pantser? Combo? Plotter
2.  Tea or Coffee? coffee
3.  Beer, Wine, or Cocktails? wine
4.  Snacks: Sweet or Savory? yes
5.  Indie Published, Traditionally Published, or Hybrid? trad mostly but training materials are indie
6.  Strict Writing Schedule: Yes or No yes
7.  Strictly Computer or Mix It Up? mostly computer
8.  Daily Goal: Yes or No:  yes
9.  Formal Track Progress: Yes or no: sort of
10.  Special Writing Spot? yes
11.  Writer’s Block? no
12.  File of Ideas: Yes or No: no, only for current book
13.  Favorite Author(s)? TNTC

Carrie Stuart Parks
Fine and Forensic Artist
She has a pencil and she's not afraid to use it.
Relative Silence, HarperCollins Christian 2020

     Kudos Award Winner best Fiction

Fragments of Fear, HarperCollins Christian 2019

     Golden Scroll Winner in Mystery/Suspense/Thriller 

Formula of Deception, HarperCollins Christian, 2018

     Daphne du Maurier Award of Excellence in Mystery/Suspense Mainstream finalist

     Cascade Award Contemporary Fiction finalist

Portrait of Vengeance, HarperCollins Christian, 2017
     Inspys Award winner mystery/suspense
     Carol Award Winner mystery/suspense/thriller
     Wright Award Winner Fiction

  Maxwell Award Winner, Fiction
     RT Finalist Inspirational mystery/suspense/thriller

When Death Draws Near, HarperCollins Christian, 2016
     Christy Winner, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
     Carol Winner, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
     RT Reviewer's Choice Best Book Awards for 2016 finalist
     Christian Retailing Best Finalist:mystery/suspense
     Inspy Award Finalist
     Idaho Author Awards: winner: mystery/suspense

The Bones Will Speak, HarperCollins Christian, 2015
     INSPY winner: mystery/suspense
     Christy Award Finalist: suspense/mystery
     Christian Retailing Best Finalist:mystery/suspense
     Family Fiction Readers Choice 15 Best Books of 2015
     Idaho Author Awards Finalist 2016: mystery/suspense

A Cry From the Dust, HarperCollins Christian, 2014
     Carol Award Winner: mystery/suspense/thriller
     Christy Award finalist