Previous Episode: Tracee de Hahn

Linda Hengerer talks with Alan Orloff, whose latest YA thriller I Play One on TV came out from Down & Out Books on July 19, 2021. Alan Orloff won an ITW Thriller Award for his novel, PRAY FOR THE INNOCENT, and he won a Derringer Award for his short story, “Dying in Dokesville.” He’s also had novels shortlisted for the Agatha Award and Shamus Award, and a story selected for THE BEST AMERICAN MYSTERY STORIES. He loves cake and arugula, but not together. Never together.

Find him at

Links for organizations and conferences mentioned in the podcast: Sisters in Crime; Mystery Writers of America; Bouchercon; SleuthFest; National Novel Writing Month (NaNo)

Get to know Alan - The Tart Words Baker's Dozen:

1.     Plotter or Pantser? Combo?

I’m a plotter (plodder?). I think if I tried to pants, I’d find myself lost down a dark alley somewhere in Mexico City (or maybe Montreal) in short order. Having said that, my outlines are not very detailed, more like “Bill and Jane discuss how to bury the body over coffee.”

2.     Tea or Coffee?

And speaking of coffee, no, I don’t drink it. Nor tea. In fact, and this might sound weird, I don’t drink any hot beverages.

3.     Beer, Wine, or Cocktails?

And this may sound even weirder, but I don’t drink any alcoholic beverages either. I drink mostly water. Cold water.

4.     Snacks: Sweet or Savory?


5.     Indie Published, Traditionally Published, or Hybrid?

I guess I’m a hybrid. Although I’m not very good at marketing my indie-published titles.

6.     Strict Writing Schedule: Yes or No


7.     Strictly Computer or Mix It Up?

99% computer.

8.     Daily Goal: Yes or No

Yes, when I’m in writing mode, I work to a quota. And I’ve been known to get up in the middle of a sentence once I’ve reached it!

9.     Formal Track Progress: Yes or no

I used to use spreadsheets, the whole nine yards. Now, I’m a little less formal.

10.  Special Writing Spot?

Not really. Usually my desk, but not always.

11.  Writer’s Block?

Nope. BICFOK (butt in chair, fingers on keyboard)

12.  File of Ideas: Yes or No

Yes, but I rarely look at it!

13.  Favorite Author(s)?

Many! Too many to name! Too careful to start naming them and leaving someone out!