Happy Gemini season, Wild Souls! Our Anchor Card for the week ahead is Two of Pentacles, which is going to be helping us to reframe and refine some of our responsibilities and tasks this week. This card often acts as an amazingly clear filter, helping to gently clarify the relationships, endeavors, and areas of our lives that are not serving us, or are taking more than they are giving. We have the chance to get much more grounded and aware of these places, and make different choices around them in response to that. 

Plus, we answer a listener's question about how to deepen their understanding of the Wands suit during an extremely full and busy season of life. 

Read the transcript here: https://www.tarotforthewildsoul.com/episodes-transcripts/ep-228-refining-and-clarifying-with-two-of-pentacles

CW: challenges of parenthood, burnout, ableism, relationship to the body, trauma


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