Our Anchor Card for the week ahead is The Magician, offering us some much needed movement and clarity in the realms of our intuition and creative expression. We are invited to catch the waves that this card is bringing us this week -- to say yes to the inspiration that wants to get channeled through us, without our attempting to manage, edit, or hold anything back around it. Together, we will dive into how to do this, and look at some solid ways to work with this card this week. 

Plus, we answer a listener's question about ways to consider The Lovers and Two of Cups cards outside of the paradigms of self love and human connection. 

CW: physical death, heartbreak, grief, loss, systemic oppression, lack of community support for those in need, toxic self-help culture, parenthood, challenges of parenting, colonization, and land-based trauma

Read the transcript: https://www.tarotforthewildsoul.com/episodes-transcripts/ep-223-catching-the-wave-with-the-magician


Learn more about Lindsay and dive into all of their courses, journal posts, and free resources by going to https://www.tarotforthewildsoul.com/

Download the free Ultimate Soul Tarot Card Guide here: https://www.tarotforthewildsoul.com/the-ultimate-soul-tarot-card-guide

Got Q's for the podcast? Ask them here: https://www.tarotforthewildsoul.com/ask-lindsay

Help Turkey and Syria: 



Defend the Atlanta Forest and Stop Cop City!:


Support Iran (Thank you to Ariana for sharing these resources with us):

*Center for Human Rights in Iran (based in NY, provides news and in-depth reports on human rights abuses in Iran) https://iranhumanrights.org/

*How to Talk About Iran (a living document from the Iranian Diaspora Collective on Instagram) https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UWXqTnp_ZVKkaf4gizBpUtvFLMlSXUl_Ux_N3iEi6Q/mobilebasic

*Persians With Purpose (Educational content, news translated to English, and other Iran resources on Instagram) https://instagram.com/persianswithpurpose?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=