Money is one of the common challenges couples face. Usually, it’s when there is misalignment on spending, saving, and investing goals. For a young couple looking to build a real estate portfolio, RJ and Nicole de Leon realized their mutual love for real estate and bought a 3-unit building to house-hack within the first year of dating. Through trial and error, they figured out how to invest in real estate with a significant other. They formalized their real estate partnership through NVR Properties and their love through marriage. 


While their own partnership grew, they realized they had value to offer to more established investors to continue their growth. We ended up working with Nicky to grow the Chicago Multifamily Club monthly meetup to a group with over 1,500 members. Nicky also is the Chicago lead for Liz Faircloth’s InvestHer meetup.  


RJ launched EJC Partners, a construction company by partnering with strong crews and trades to provide steady projects. As an investor and contractor, RJ knows all too well some of the pitfalls that investors run into during construction projects. He is also a broker at Kale Realty, helping investors with a full suite of solutions. 


In this episode, they share how they learned to work together as a couple investing in real estate, tips on managing construction projects, how to add value to a potential partner, and balancing love and work.  


In our bonus content, they share tips on a common question to get your significant other on board with real estate investing.


Partner: 1 Question Marketing Survey for New Event

Key insights to Develop Strong Real Estate Partnerships


Their mutual love of real estate brought them together


Advice on your first multifamily deal when working with a partner


When starting to work with a partner, understand each other's strengths and weaknesses, and divvy up the roles accordingly.


Strategies on how to figure out separate responsibilities between your partner and yourself


Making the transition into launching a real estate construction business


The largest variable in real estate is construction, as it could make or break your deal.


How investors find great contractors


Best practices on how to work with contractors efficiently 


How to create strong partnerships 


Advice on how to be a partner that everyone wants to work with


Instead of asking partners “what can we do?” make suggestions, then take the initiative and take action.


Tips on how to add value to a partner or potential partner


How the Chicago Multifamily Club helps investors 


The InvestHer Group (Liz Faircloth)


How to balance life and work when you work with your significant other 

Partner: Download our Sample Deal Package

Bullseye Tips:

Apparent Failure:

(RJ) I left a six-figure job because I thought I found a mentor who I thought would be my end-all, but it fell apart as he oversold himself. This helped me overcome negative experiences big or small.


Digital Resource:

Google Sheets & Docs (sharing factor)


Most Recommended Book:

The Miracle Morning (Hal Elrod)


Wish I Knew When I Was Starting Out:

Don’t buy cheap materials (or contractors), as it will cost you more money in the long run. 


Curious About Right Now:

(Nicole) Syndication


Best Place to Grab a Bite in Chicago, IL

Triple Crown in Chinatown

Alice’s Bar-B-Que in Bronzeville


Contact Nicole & RJ


[email protected]




[email protected]
