This is it my friends. Week 31 of Jackie Brown. The final week. 

Since this might be the final episode of Tarantino Minute I figured I should say a few words.

First off, thank you to everyone that has been listening over the years. If it wasn't for your support, we all probably would have shuttered the windows a long time ago. So truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Really means the world to us when we hear people actually listen.

Secondly, thanks to Mark and Nate for doing this show in the first place. What originally started as a project for Nate and I to have, grew into a whole new venture for us three friends to make something together. The part they don't tell you about podcasting is how much fun you get to have hanging with your friends. 

Lastly, thank you to the people that read these descriptions. You're the real MVP.

Thank you again for listening through this season and through the show overall. 

- Mike


P.S. be sure to follow us on twitter @TarantinoMinute 

A Too Old Media podcast