I feel the need to preface this with the fact that I am not a Star Trek fan. I don’t DISLIKE Star Trek – in fact, I have watched many episodes of TNG, loved The Wrath of Khan, truly enjoyed … Continue reading →

The post I’m Not a Star Trek Fan: Alec Peters & Bullying in Fandom, Part 1 appeared first on Geek Saga Entertainment.

I feel the need to preface this with the fact that I am not a Star Trek fan.

I don’t DISLIKE Star Trek – in fact, I have watched many episodes of TNG, loved The Wrath of Khan, truly enjoyed Strange New Worlds, and also enjoyed the first (and ONLY the first) new Star Trek movie in 2009 (yeah, I know, how dare I, and all that).

The thing is, I was never a part of Star Trek fandom, and honestly at this point I can’t help but think “thank the gods”.

To begin, I have to begin in the present – the situation that prompted me to actually write this story in its entirety.

Last week, I got wind that Alec Peters [of still-not-released Axanar fan film fame] was advertising a Facebook group called “Trekkers Against Bullying” (@TABnation2022 on Twitter). Having had personal experience being stalked and bullied (including an attempted doxxing) by Alec, his girlfriend, and their flunkeys, I immediately went on red alert.

But listen, I get it. At first glance, the guy who “produced” the admittedly high-quality fan film Prelude to Axanar and raised over a million dollars (via Kickstarter & IndieGoGo) to create a feature-length fan film based on that standard seems like a good person with whom to link hands in solidarity…despite him being sued by CBS for copyright infringement.

The problem is, Alec Peters himself is an absolute bully, harasser, and stalker, as is his girlfriend and many of his flunkeys. This is something I know from personal experience, and while I have previously done my best to stay vague or not go public with this honestly very traumatizing experience, what I have heard about the recent webcast interview between Alec and the leaders of “Trekkers Against Bullying” is so problematic that I feel as if I can no longer remain, if not silent, then at least not quiet, about my experiences any longer.

First, while I do not have the bandwidth to clip the entire conversation from the aforementioned webcast, one of the things the “Trekkers Against Bullying” was really pushing was their desire to be a mediator between people or groups who are having arguments with each other/between the bully and the bullied. They ADMIT that they are not professionals and have NO training or education to do such a thing – as a friend said, even IF they had degrees in conflict resolution (which they don’t), they do not have the right to intervene. “It’s one thing to be a bystander telling a bully to knock it off and protect the victim. But that’s not what they’re doing and it’s not their stated mission. They are treating the bully’s side as just as valid as the victim’s, which is bullshit. That enables bullies and re-victimizes the targets.”

So I ask you this: Why should a victim feel like they have to enter into some so-called “mediation” with someone who is bullying/harassing/stalking them at all, let alone with a bunch of untrained, uneducated people?

The answer is: Of course they shouldn’t!

All that said, the part of that webcast that really angered me is the fact that they admitted that their involvement with Alec Peters – which has earned them kickback from Star Trek fans and others who have been personally bullied/harassed/stalked by him – gives them credibility.

So yes, this development is upsetting, but also threatens the very essence of any anti-bullying movement.

And because of this, I feel the need to go back to the very beginning of my involvement in the so-called “Axanar haters” contingent – which is, to be quite honest, a hilariously incorrect name, because in my experience getting to know the people who are deemed “haters” by Alec Peters and his flunkeys, they don’t actually “hate” Axanar – or rather, the actual fan films/scenes that are encompassed within the Axanar “universe” that *have actually been produced* – what they have a problem with is Alec Peters and his apparent inability to produce the two 15-minute episodes allowed by the CBS lawsuits; his possible probable misuse of donor funds; his constant fundraising despite the money that he earns from sales of items that belong to the CBS IP; his “Ares Studios” Patreon, his superchats in his numerous webcasts, etc. etc.; and MOST OF ALL – his bullying of literally ANYONE who EVER says ANYTHING that HE perceives MIGHT be AGAINST him.

(And yes, I highlighted those specific words on purpose.)

Now, I began this diatribe by admitting that I’m not actually a “Star Trek fan”…so how did I personally end up entrenched in this bullshit? How did I personally end up as someone who has been bullied, harassed, stalked, and even been the victim of an attempted doxxing by Alec Peters, his girlfriend, and their flunkeys?

Well, the tl;dr is that I ended up in a relationship with one of their so-called “haters”. And because of that, let me repeat: I have been bullied, harrassed, and stalked online – and also the victim of an attempted doxxing.

And I think I’ll end Part 1 on that note, because the rest of what I have to say involves a lot of details that will take many thousands of words and too many screenshots to count. So in expectance of Part 2, I will leave you with this recent tweet – because again, MY part of this story is so long and involved that I can’t even begin with a screenshot from my own files (which number in the hundreds and go back to 2019)…

Link to original tweet

Continue reading:
Interlude: Proving My Point
Part 2: I’m Not an “Axanar Hater”
Part 3: I’m Not Perfect
Interlude 2: Too Little, Too Late?
Part 4: I’m Not Required to Ignore Attacks Against Me
Part 5: I’m Going to Protect My Family
Interlude 3: The Aftermath of an Interview

The post I’m Not a Star Trek Fan: Alec Peters & Bullying in Fandom, Part 1 appeared first on Geek Saga Entertainment.

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