Has your company had a TapRooT® Executive Briefings and an Implementation Roadmap? Do you even know what they are and why they are so important to your TapRooT® program? These two things are important for you whether you are just starting out looking at TapRooT® and want to know more or perhaps you are TapRooT® users for years and don’t know if your company is getting the full benefits out of your TapRooT® system. Alex and Benna share with you what they are and how those things can help your company achieve your improvement goals. 


Let’s begin with companies just starting out . . . has your company been thinking about possibly inquiring into TapRooT® and you aren’t sure where to start? An initial call and then an executive briefing is the perfect way to begin. Including your leadership at the beginning is very important to successfully implement TapRooT® in an effective and efficient manner. We want everyone on the same page. We want you to understand the methodology and what it looks like to have a successful TapRooT® program. Our goal is to partner with you from the beginning to ensure your success. 


Next, is your company a current user of TapRooT®, and let's say you have had some team members who were trained and you all dust off your books and refresh yourself on TapRooT® quickly when something goes wrong. Are you getting the most out of what TapRooT® has to offer? Maybe you are on our software but you aren’t on the latest version. Did you know it has new features like the evidence collection app for your smartphone, grading your investigations to make sure you are doing the best investigations possible? Do you have an incident management system you use and either use TapRooT® software but are having to re-enter your data because it’s two separate systems? Or you aren’t using TapRooT® software because you have an IMS and don’t think you need it? Do you have different departments or locations in your company utilizing other methodologies and you all aren’t speaking the same RCA language? Do your investigation policies reflect when you should do refresher training and what triggers an investigation and what level of training the investigator needs? Do you know about all the continuous improvement training we have? Are you having a hard time keeping your team proficient and ready to go when something occurs that needs investigating? These are all things we can discuss with current TapRooT® users in a Roadmap Call. 


We are here to partner with you to ensure your success! Don't go it alone . . . include us to get the most out of your TapRooT® program. 


For more information contact us at [email protected] or visit our websites www.TapRooT.com 


To find out about all our training, please see www.TapRooT.com/courses