As of the start of March 2021, Law Enforcement Officer suicides were at 31 for the year. Last year there were 177 reported Officer suicides. Another 67 officers have died in the line of duty; bringing the overall total of lives lost to 98 for 2021. So much more must be done to address this ongoing epidemic among Law Enforcement officers. Sgt. Mark McGrew - Founder of 911 At Ease International, and Author of 'A Higher Call to Duty' - is scheduled to join me to discuss it. Thousands of migrants have crossed the border in Biden's first six weeks in office, many of them unaccompanied minors. The influx has tested the administration's resources and ability to quickly implement its own strategy as Republicans sound alarms over what they have deemed a crisis of Biden's making. Larry Klayman, Esq. - founder of Freedom Watch, the head of his law firm Klayman Law Group, and the author of It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!  - is scheduled to join me to discuss the border crisis.