Sen. Rand Paul let loose on the Senate floor on Monday blasting the 5,593-page, $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and catchall spending bills in a speech that has gone viral. Members of Cornell University’s student government tried to pass a resolution last month that would disarm the school’s police, but the resolution failed. Rep. Ilhan Omar took a shot at politicians who have cut the line, so to speak, in getting the Trump-backed vaccine against COVID-19 before it has been adequately distributed to frontline workers and the elderly. Speaking to the press, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated that most of the deaths in America from the coronavirus were President Trump’s fault. Democrats and Republicans reached a deal on emergency powers for the Federal Reserve late Saturday night, paving the way for Congress to approve a COVID relief package and a bipartisan omnibus spending bill Sunday. But is this fiscally appropriate? Dr. Michael Busler is scheduled to join me to discuss the packages.