Another U.S. presidential election is underway, and Americans are engaged in the time-honored tradition of judging candidates by their personalities. It may sound unwise to pick the future leader of the free world based on personality traits rather than platforms, policies, and ideology, but that is exactly what Americans do. In fact, personality explains the results of the last twenty-two U.S. elections—and can predict who will win in 2020. Personality expert Merrick Rosenberg and co-author Richard Ellis have developed an unprecedented system that reveals the pattern of who takes the White House and why. Merrick Rosenberg is scheduled to join me to discuss their system and what it tells us about what we can expect for 2020. Personality Wins: Who Will Take the White House and How We Know. Bob Woodward has released his new book attacking the Trump presidency with claims of a COVID cover-up among other things. John O'Connor is an experienced trial lawyer, practicing law in San Francisco since 1972. He was "Deep Throat's" lawyer and after he discovered that the Post had betrayed his client while covering up the truth about Watergate, his indefatigable research resulted in Postgate, a profoundly shocking tale of journalistic deceit. He is scheduled to join me to discuss his thoughts on Woodward's new effort to cash in on Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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